Signed up for a figure class! It feels great to be back into drawing from a live model after such a long break. I don't think I've done this since 2014ish.
You'll have to forgive my crappy phone photography until I can find someone with a decent camera who will take better pics for me. As you can see, my assistant is quite lazy.
It's been a crazy fucking month but I'm back! I moved to a different state so I've been doing more unpacking/organizing/cleaning than drawing but I have a couple of things to show. Also a few new links over on the sidebar to some cool people I know.
A birthday gift for my friend Cherie of her beautiful face commissioned by her sweet partner Sangy (thank you again and happy birthday!).
Jackal the surly teenager in a Cornerian Academy uniform based on Kat's design.
Drawn as a comfort earlier when I was feeling frazzled (I'm a terrible mover even though I do it all the time).
Look at this beautiful banner my friend Sangy made! Use it to link to me if you want and also go look at their website and send them love and money.
Ok I'm starting off with a bunch of stuff ranging from 2017 to present times. I tried to go in chronological order but, you know, not very hard. Thanks for looking!